Fast Hearts





The tempestuous life of Evžen Erban in a new Czech film, focused on the adventurous history of speedway races

Fast Hearts

Why Fast Hearts? Well, if you are a fan of speedway racing, even in the slightest, your heart beats faster! And even if you only glance at the speedway, you will surely know some of the protagonists of the film that we are producing. Together with script writer Oto Klempíř, we were inspired by the incredible life story of the speedway racer and President of the GOLDEN HELMET of Pardubice race, EVŽEN ERBAN, which we have cleverly connected with the history of speedway, and the lives of the greatest racing aces of their time. But let’s start at the very beginning...


Motorcycle speedway

In our film, this extraordinarily adrenaline and popular sport is synonymous with the manly lifestyle. Modern-day knights riding speedway motorbikes represent what our fast-moving times are lacking: the courage to take risks and face adversities. There are many successful riders in this sport, but only a few are capable of plucking up the courage to sit on their bikes once more, after a crash, or life's various misfortunes. That is why Evžen’s story is so motivating, and inspiring. He made it thanks to his FAST HEART!



The script conveys an important message, stating that even a tragic defeat can be turned into a great victory.

In terms of genre, it is a sports drama. The thrilling “left turns” of Evžen’s life allow us to play a spectacular game, featuring not only the dramatic history of speedway in Czechoslovakia and the Golden Helmet races, but also various famous riders and their unforgettable performances.

Thanks to smartly dosed portions of emotions and indispensable adrenaline, the film is sure to delight anyone, not only fellow fans of speedway.

We have made a great effort, inspected speedway stadiums and talked to a plethora of riders, officials and fans. Now we are trying to turn this beautiful boyish enthusiasm into a really attractive script. We are also making a storyboard in the form of a sophisticated comic, which will be published as part of the premiere of the film.

Let’s hope Fast Hearts will delight everybody!

Simplified comic treatment of the script


Meet Evžen

Anyone who has ever been to the Golden Helmet must know him. And every time we are there, the same amateurish question is repeated: “Who’s that guy on crutches presenting awards to the winners? Isn’t a cripple on the speedway demotivating?” No, it isn’t!!! Evžen Erban is a hell of a man, and his life story is so incredibly rich that it is simply worth making into a special film. It is a drama, from beginning to end, without a Hollywood-like happy ending. You can see for yourselves:

Evžen Erban was born only a few days after WWII ended, during tough times. His father, who had dreamed of his son becoming a professional tennis player, ended up in the inferno of a Communist prison. So, Evžen was taken care of by his uncle, Miloslav Špinka Sr., a speedway legend. The love of engines, his uncle’s workshop, and most importantly the legendary Golden Helmet race, were the Three Sisters present at the birth of our future champion. Evžen grew into a remarkable sportsman, as well as a popular star of his time. He learned from the best, and could get very wild, not only on the speedway. He had a gift for languages, so, unsurprisingly, he made friends with many superstars of that time, such as Ove Fundin, Ole Olsen, Barry Briggs, Ivan Mauger, Zenon Plech and many others. He was on a first-name basis with all of them, and Mauger became his life-long friend. Evžen’s younger cousin, Milan Špinka Jr., was hot on his heels, but he would not have put the dreamt-of Golden Helmet on his head if it hadn’t been for Evžen. (he won the race on a bike borrowed from Evžen).


In 1968, the Golden Helmet took place in the stifling atmosphere of the Russian invasion. Luboš “Tomcat” Tomíček crashed in the final round, and succumbed to his injuries the next day. Evžen lost a friend whom he had always looked up to. He was in a miserable state of mind, sinking to the very bottom. He would chase women and drink like a fish. Moreover, the infamous Communist secret police were right on his tail, due to his father. It was a very rough time for the “bourgeois sport,” as the Communists called it. In spite of that, Evžen laughed at the powerful officials, playing tricks on them that even Ocean’s Eleven would have been proud. In the end, when it got too hot for him, with a heavy heart, he decided to emigrate.

The last race Evžen took part in was on Markéta Speedway, in Prague, 1979, just a few hours before he was supposed to fly to Britain, where his friends had arranged a contract for him. However, he had forgotten about a dangerous hole on the edge of the speedway. In front of the awed spectators, his motorbike flew up in a turn, pinning him to the hard boarding with its sharp footrest. As a result of this tragic accident, the lower part of Evžen’s body would become paralyzed. Being hospitalized was a living hell for Evžen. His suffering had affected him both mentally, and physically. He would never stand on his feet again, but despite such setbacks, he managed to do more than many others for speedway racing, and especially for the Golden Helmet. He managed to accomplish a real MIRACLE. If you want to find out exactly what miracle, then wait for the premiere of the film, you won’t be disappointed.

Last year, the Golden Helmet celebrated its remarkable 75th anniversary, and many of those who had won the priceless trophy were present. Die-hard fans know very well why the precious helmet is presented after the final round by none other than the man on crutches.


What can you expect from Fast Hearts?

Above all, it is a powerful exploration into the background of an extremely adrenaline-spiking sport, which is currently undergoing a revival. This year, Australia is celebrating 100 years of speedway racing. The sport is also extraordinarily popular in the USA, and in the UK. Furthermore, its popularity is increasing in Poland, Scandinavian countries, Germany, Austria and Slovakia. These countries are most definitely suitable for the distribution of this film. This project has applied for funding from the Czech Film Fund. Its co-producer is Czech Television, whose archives contain unique visual materials. It has also been supported by the Pardubice Region and by the City of Pardubice.

  • A film about an adrenaline inducing sport, with a captivating storyline, based on the true life story of a famous racer.
  • It is deeply rooted in its genre, its dramaturgy is meticulous, and it explores the remarkable world of a motor sport that has not been depicted in detail by Czech film-makers.
  • An interesting form of story-telling and innovative shooting of motorbike races, using advanced camera technology and post-production.
  • A brief history of speedway racing as an integral part of the film.
  • The increasing popularity of motorcycle speedway races, which are loved by tens of thousands of fans, as well as the various famous names within speedway, whom have become heroes in the world of motor sports.
  • Articles in media and on social networks during the preparation and shooting of the film. The MAKING OF FAST HEARTS to be broadcast on Czech TV. A billboard campaign before the premiere.
  • A comic version of FAST HEARTS to be created and published.
  • Accompanying events: world preview + premiere in Pardubice in the presence of international racers, Fast Hearts book / film script launch party, exhibition of speedway motorcycles, costumes and props.
  • International distribution within the European Union. Collaboration with European production teams and distributors.

FAST HEARTS – specification

A feature film about the legends of Czechoslovak speedway and about the life story of Evžen Erban.

colour, 4K
115 minutes
Dolby Atmos
sport drama
Target group
12–99 years of age
Bontonfilm a.s.
Bontonfilm a.s.

Production schedule

September 2023
documentary shooting of the 75th anniversary of the Golden Helmet (in the making)
Summer 2024
final version of literary and technical script finished
Autumn and winter 2024
storyboard + casting, selection of locations, comprehensive preparation of the project + historical motorcycles and costumes procured
léto - podzim 2025
shooting + post-production
World preview
Pardubice, 2026
World premiere
Karlovy Vary International Festival, July 2026.
Budget planned
CZK 64 million

The Message

The FAST HEARTS project was first introduced in unsettling times, aiming not only to provide viewers with an exciting, adrenaline fueled experience, but also boost national pride and highlight the courage of seemingly ordinary people. Speedway racers who were able to stand up for their sport, and achieve international success, are the main focus of this film. The film is intended for all motorsports fans, and especially for viewers looking for positive energy and inspiration, allowing them to better cope with tough moments in their lives.


Meet the film-makers

oto klempíř

Scriptwriter Oto Klempíř

b. 1963; Prague

Founder of the band J.A.R., lyricist, rapper, script writer, creative artist in advertising, radio presenter and marketing specialist, born in Kyjov in 1963. After leaving grammar school in 1982 he moved to Prague, where he soon got his first job as a musician in the band Garáž. On 17 November 1989, he founded the popular funk-rock band J.A.R., with which he has made nine albums, and for which he has written a large portion of the lyrics. Besides writing song lyrics for Czech pop stars, he has also released an album under his own name, titled Špička. He worked on it with Oskar Rózsa. The album was released in 2012. Among other things, he has produced the soundtracks for well-known Czech comedies, and created scripts for other films. He has written three collections of poems, and in 2014, he became a jury member in the world-famous TV singing contest X FACTOR. He has worked in marketing for more than twenty-five years and is regarded as an elite Czech political marketer.

david sís

Scriptwriter and director David Sís

b. 1962; Prague

David Sís is a son of film director Vladimír Sís, and brother of artist Petr Sís. He studied at the Film Direction Department of the Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague. If you look at the ČSFD website, you will find that he has made hundreds of high-quality films, TV series and contests. He has directed many live broadcasts, concerts, successful commercial spots and video clips for both Czech and international musicians. His school film HAT-TRICK won first prize at the Kobe Film Festival and his graduation film was awarded at festivals in Tel Aviv and Poitiers. He has also produced a popular documentary on a Czech pop band, and an unusual film portrait of his brother Petr, which won a Trilobit award and was nominated for a Český Lev award in 2022.